Visit to Marmara University School of Law to Teach Cross Examination
While I was in Istanbul Turkey for a week teaching law school at Bahcesehir University, I was invited to also give a 2-hour lecture on cross examination at Marmara University. My…
While I was in Istanbul Turkey for a week teaching law school at Bahcesehir University, I was invited to also give a 2-hour lecture on cross examination at Marmara University. My…
I just returned from Istanbul Turkey, where I taught a one-week course titled, "Current Issues in Litigation in Federal and State Courts of the United States" at Bahcesehir University Law School. …
On March 5, 2018, I presented my first of five lectures to law students from various law schools in Istanbul, Turkey. The specific location of the lectures was Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law, which was the Law School attended by most of the students. As a service to the students, I am placing the Keynote Presentation for March 5 Here. Here is the actual link: Here is a pdf version.
Not everything I post here will be about the law. I'm a long time native of St. Louis, Missouri. I just went through another time warp. While driving tonight, I listened to a man named Ron Elz (AKA Johnny Rabbit) serve as host of a music show on St. Louis radio station KMOX.
"Actually, while the founding generation certainly esteemed the idea of an armed population, they were also ardent supporters of gun regulations."
I opened my own solo law practice in January this year, which has been exciting. It has been a good time to think about what I've been doing with my law license for the past few decades and what I'd like to be doing over the coming years. These issues hit home while I was designing my new law firm website, which I recently launched. I decided to design the law firm website myself because this site will evolve as my practice evolves.
I began my new law firm last month. It's a solo practice and, like most people starting a new business, I've been shopping for how to run this new business efficiently and at low cost. I finally got around to creating my own website, but I had a few requirements: 1. I know very little HTML coding, and I didn't want to take the time to learn it. 2. I didn't want someone else hand-coding my website, because I wanted to be able to have complete control over the site in order to make my own changes (again, without having to learn HTML); ...