Teaching “Cognitive Science and the Law” at BAU Law School – Istanbul Turkey

I'm teaching a new one-week course at Bahçeşehir University (BAU).   The name of the Course is "Cognitive Science and the Law."  Here is my cheerful class of law students.  It is a joy and a privilege to live in Istanbul for a week each semester. I'm also using this post as the location for uploading my slide presentations: Day 1 - cogsci and law pdf Day 2 cogsci and law pdf Day 3-4 cogsci and law pdf

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Presentation at Bahçeşehir University Law School

On March 5, 2018, I presented my first of five lectures to law students from various law schools in Istanbul, Turkey.  The specific location of the lectures was Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law, which was the Law School attended by most of the students. As a service to the students, I am placing the Keynote Presentation for March 5 Here. Here is the actual link:  https://www.erichviethattorney.com/wp-content/uploads/Keynote-March-5-Istanbul-EVV.key Here is a pdf version.    

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